Implementation of Use Case 4 into the MarketPlace framework#

This documentation explains how the workflow to simulate ceramic injection moulding for medical applications, using Aspherix, Lammps and MoldFlow, is incorporated within the MarketPlace. In detail, this manual provides an overview on most of the function having been created in this Use Case. This manual should serve as a detailed explanation on how to onboard your very own software in the MarketPlace.

Everything is organized within one folder and we will slowly go through each folder and file therein.

  • [Folder] simulation_controller

  • [Folder] static

  • .gitmodules


  • docker-compose.yml

  • Dockerfile

  • openAPI.yml


  • aspherix_no_license_mpich314.def

Create a singularity container#

To run Aspherix or Lammps on the HPC resources an singularity container is required. Therefore, we use an singularity definition file. For the first version of the HPC App that is doing the resource management in the background Mpich 3.1.4 was required. Below the definition file for Aspherix is shown. Basically the container is an Ubuntu 20.04 system with Mpich 3.1.4 and Aspherix 5.4.1 installed without any license information. (The license is provided by the running case.)

Bootstrap: library
From: ubuntu:20.04
Stage: build

    ./Installer-Aspherix_Linux_5.4.1 /opt
    ./ /opt

    # from the example
    echo "export NOW=\"${NOW}\"" >> $SINGULARITY_ENVIRONMENT

    # Install mpich
    echo "Installing required packages..."
    apt-get update && apt-get install -y wget git bash gcc gfortran g++ make file bzip2

    echo "Install Mpich"
    wget -q
    tar xf mpich-3.1.4.tar.gz
    cd mpich-3.1.4
    ./configure --enable-fast=all,O3 --prefix=/usr
    make -j$(nproc)
    make install

    # run the installer
    apt-get update && apt-get install -y libxkbcommon0 libx11-6 libx11-xcb1 libfreetype6 libdbus-1-3 libfontconfig1 libgomp1
    cd /opt
    ldd Installer-Aspherix_Linux_5.4.1
    # create dummy license file to trick the installer
    touch /opt/dummy.lic
    /opt/ -l /opt/dummy.lic -d /opt/DCS-Computing/Aspherix-5.4.1/ -P
    # remove any license file
    rm /opt/DCS-Computing/Aspherix-5.4.1/share/aspherix/*.lic
    # clean system
    rm /opt/ /opt/Installer-Aspherix_Linux_5.4.1

    echo "Container was created $NOW"
    echo "Arguments received: $*"
    exec echo "$@"

Once the Singularity definition file has all you need, you can create a container

  $ sudo singularity build aspherix_no_license_mpich314.sif aspherix_no_license_mpich314.def

This container can be run anywhere with a valid Singularity installation.

simulation controller#

Now we are working on the folder “simulation_controller” which contains several files that provide the function to create, start and stop a simulation as well as retrieving the simulation results.

Let us have a look at the following files that are all found in the folder “simulation_controller”








  • ( - just for local development and testing

The file “” is an empty file and its only purpose is that python allows to include all function via the regular package syntax as libraries. This means in all files, we can include classes and function of other files with simple commands. Usually, python has no problem to import a whole directory. But when it comes to importing a class from a file in a directory, this will raise an exception. But having such a “” file allows to use the following notation

from directory.filename import classname

when having a class “classname” in a file “filename” within the directoy “directory”.

In this file, we have defined two classes with names “SimulationStatus” and “SimulationConfig” and follows with the definition for the simulation states. Here, we define 6 different kinds of states that are

  • created

  • running

  • completed

  • stopped

  • downloaded

  • error

the class structure looks as follow

import logging
from enum import Enum
class SimulationStatus(Enum):
    CREATED = 1
    STOPPED = 4
    ERROR = 6

By writing “Enum” into the bracket, this class in heriting from the Enum class which is a built-in class from python. This allows to use a more natural syntax to ask the script whether the simulation has been created or whether it is running. In fact, we can apply the following notation

state = SimulationStatus.CREATED # which is equal to "CREAETD"
# and then ask for that state by
if state == SimulationStatus.CREATED:
    print('simulation has been created')

which is a readable syntax to ask for the state of a simulation. The logging module at the beginning of the snippet is a python in-built library that simplifies to write log files in which error messages are written to. This allows for example to write error messages

logging.error("This is my error message")

or info messages"This is my info message")

It follows the simulation configuration

class SimulationConfig:
    def __init__(self, request_obj: dict):
        err_msg = f"Error creating simulation: {str(request_obj)}. "
        self.configuration: int = int(request_obj.get("configuration", 1))
        self.radius1: float = float(request_obj.get("radius1", 0.004))
        self.radius2: float = float(request_obj.get("radius2", 0.003))
        if self.radius1 <= 0 or self.radius2 <= 0:
            err_msg += "Sphere radii must be positive."
            raise ValueError(err_msg)

        self.period: float = float(request_obj.get("period", 1.0))
        if self.period <= 0:
            err_msg += "Mixer rotation period must be positive."
            raise ValueError(err_msg)
        self.nRotation: int = int(request_obj.get("nRotation", 1))
        if self.nRotation < 1:
            err_msg += "Number of mixer rotations must be at least 1."
            raise ValueError(err_msg)
        self.creation_time = time.time()

This is a class that contains only an init method. This is the function that is called whenever an instant of the SimulationConfig class is created. Basically, this function receives the input parameters that are made available for the Use Case tutorial. These were

  • Radius of particle type “1” (m)

  • Radius of particle type “2” (m)

  • Period of one mixer rotation (s)

  • Number of rotations (-)

At the beginning, each of the keys from this dictionary is called and in the case that this key has not been defined, a default is being returned. For example the code line

self.configuration: int = request_obj.get("configuration", 1)

asks if there is a key with the name “configuration” in the dictionary “request_obj”. If the key is present, its value is returned (that is the value that the user has provided in the MarketPlace interface - to be explained later). If the key has not been defined, we use the default value of “1”. This value for the configuration is mapped to an integer and stored in the variable “self.configuration” to make it available within the instant of the SimulationConfig object.

The same procedure is done for the other parameters. Additionally, we applied some checks to make sure the user input variables are in a physically valid range.

Additionaly, the file also contains the following two lines of code

# Global Constant to define the extension of zip files

# Global constant to define the path of the folder where all the simulations are saved
SIMULATIONS_FOLDER_PATH = "/app/simulation_files"

Which could also occur somewhere else and define global constants which are the folder path in which all simulation results are about to appear and the extension for the compression.

This file contains one function needed to create the simulation file, namely “create_input_files”. This function copies Aspherix (or Lammps) input files (from the sub-diretory “templates”) and replaces the placeholder with the user-defined values. Additionally all required mesh files, submit files and license files are copied into the simulation directory in order to prepare a complete simulation setup.

This script is designed as the interface between the MarketPlace and the simulation.

class SimulationManager:
    def __init__(self):
        self.simulations: dict = {}

    def _get_simulation(self, job_id: str) -> SimulationBase:
        Get the simulation corresponding to the job_id.

            job_id (str): unique id of the simulation

            KeyError: if there is no simulation matching the id

            Simulation instance
            simulation = self.simulations[job_id]
            return simulation
        except KeyError as ke:
            message = f"Simulation with id '{job_id}' not found"
            raise KeyError(message) from ke

    def _add_simulation(self, simulation: SimulationBase) -> str:
        """Append a simulation to the internal datastructure.

            simulation (SimulationBase): Object to add

            str: ID of the added object
        job_id: str = simulation.job_id
        self.simulations[job_id] = simulation
        return job_id

    def _delete_simulation(self, job_id: str):
        """Remove a simulation from the internal datastructure.

            job_id (str): id of the simulation to remove
        del self.simulations[job_id]

    def create_simulation(self, request_obj: dict) -> str:
        """Create a new simulation given the arguments.

           requestObj: dictionary containing input configuration

            str: unique job id
        # here you may use SimulationLocal for local development
        return self._add_simulation(SimulationHPC(request_obj))

    def run_simulation(self, job_id: str):
        """Execute a simulation.

            job_id (str): unique simulation id

   def download_simulation(self, job_id: str) -> str:
        """Download a simulation.

            job_id (str): unique simulation id

            str: path to the zipped file to download
        simulation = self._get_simulation(job_id)
        return simulation.zip_output()

    def stop_simulation(self, job_id: str) -> dict:
        """Force termination of a simulation.

            job_id (str): unique id of the simulation

    def delete_simulation(self, job_id: str) -> dict:
        """Delete all the simulation information.

            job_id (str): unique id of simulation

    def get_simulation_state(self, job_id: str) -> SimulationStatus:
        """Return the status of a particular simulation.

            job_id (str): id of the simulation

            SimulationStatus: status of the simulation
        return self._get_simulation(job_id).status

    def get_simulation_list(self) -> list:
        """Return unique ids of all the simulations.

            list: list of simulation ids
        return list(self.simulations.keys())

This file contains the base class SimulationBase for managing a single simulation. It provides methods for starting a simulation, stopping it, zipping the output files, and deleting the simulation. The class also has a property for retrieving the status of the simulation. This is the base for “SimulationHPC” and “SimulationLocal”, where later is designed only for local development purposes.

import os
import uuid
from simulation_controller.config import (

import logging

class SimulationBase:
    """Manage a single simulation."""

    def __init__(self, request_obj: dict = {}):
        Initialize a SimulationBase object.

            request_obj (dict, optional): A dictionary containing the simulation request details.
                                          Defaults to an empty dictionary.
        self.job_id: str = str(uuid.uuid4())
        self.simulationPath = os.path.join(SIMULATIONS_FOLDER_PATH, self.job_id)
        self.simulation_config: SimulationConfig = SimulationConfig(request_obj)
        self._status = None

        def status(self, value: SimulationStatus):
        Set the status of the simulation.

            value (SimulationStatus): The status value to set.
        self._status = value

    def run(self):

    def stop(self):

    def zip_output(self) -> str:

    def delete(self):

This file define a class “SimulationHPC” that inherit from the “SimulationBase” and uses the Marketplace hpc app to set up a calculation on a remote server.

from simulation_controller.simulation_base import SimulationBase
from simulation_controller.config import (
from simulation_controller.paste_files_creation import (

import logging
from hpc_gateway_sdk import get_app
import json
from distutils.file_util import copy_file

class SimulationHPC(SimulationBase):
    """Manage a HPC simulation."""

    def __init__(self, request_obj: dict = {}):
        create_input_files(self.simulationPath, SimulationConfig(request_obj))
        self._status: SimulationStatus = SimulationStatus.CREATED
        self._hpc: HPCApp = get_app(name="mc",access_token=MP_ACCESS_TOKEN)
        self._resource_id = self._hpc.create_user()
        self.job_id = self._hpc.create_job(new_transformation={
                                                                    "job_name": "uc4_demo",
                                                                    "ntasks_per_node": 2,
                                                                    "partition": "debug",
                                                                    "image": "path-to-simgularity-container/aspherix_no_license_mpich314.sif",
                                                                    "executable_cmd": "bash",
        self._hpc_job_info = None
            f"Simulation '{self.job_id}' with " f"configuration {request_obj} created."

in the “hpc.create_job” we indicate the path where the singularity container we have created in the first section is stored, together with the “” which is a bash script thet execute all the simulation step.

Inside the “run” method of the “SimulationHPC” class we find

    self._hpc.upload_file(self.job_id,filename='', source_path=os.path.join(SIMULATIONS_FOLDER_PATH,''))
    self._hpc.upload_file(self.job_id, filename='',source_path=os.path.join(templateDirPath,''))
    # start simulation
    rsp = self._hpc.launch_job(self.job_id)
    self.status = SimulationStatus.INPROGRESS"Simulation '{self.job_id}' started successfully.")

which shows how to upload file on the server and launch a job.

Inside the “zip_output” there is a example of how to download file created by the simulation.

   # download what we need
   with open(os.path.join(outputPath,"log_aspherix.txt"), mode="w") as file:
       content =, filename='log_aspherix.txt')

Here for example we download the Aspherix logfile computed of the mixer simulation.